
Monday 11 June 2018

Bonny gull returns to Oare for a sixth year

A Sunday morning trip down to Oare Marsh in Kent had us picking up a nice year tick when we lucked on the summering Bonaparte's Gull just as we reached the mud above the car park. The bird showed well but at 7.45am took flight and flew right across the Swale and settled in pools by Harty Ferry Inn. With the target bird sorted we headed off to pick up good views of Turtle Dove and Little Owl before bumping into Harry, Stuart and Neville who had also decided to visit Napoleon.  After a good catch up we headed off to leave them waiting for the gull to return.

We stopped at Sittingbourne where we eventually found a Spotted Flycatcher for another year tick before heading off to finish the birding at Elmley where the usual suspects gave themselves up for the camera.

Year list now 219

Bonaparte's Gull (distant and in the gloom)
Blackbird (guess she has hungry youngsters back at the next)
Corn Bunting at Elmley
Hare at Elmley
Grey Heron
Marsh Harrier at Elmley
Redshank at Elmley
Song Thrush in Sittingbourne
Squirrel at Sittingbourne eating flowers
Yellow Wag at Elmley
Song Thrush 


  1. Lovely post with some great shots. Thanks for sharing. Have a good day Diane

  2. Thanks for taking the time to comment
