
Sunday 21 January 2018

Little Bunting in Walthamstow

We beat the rain this morning with an early start and had both the Little Bunting and Greater Scaup in the bag and made it home for 10am too before the rain fell and at 11am it's now snowing so looks a good decision to get up and out early.

We were lucky to get early access with our Thames Water permit otherwise we'd have needed to wait for the car park to open at 9.30am. (Wildlife reserve...9.30am really???)

Whilst making a coffee on getting home I had my first Blackcap of the year too when a female dropped into the garden to feed on my apples before getting spooked by a Woodpigeon.

so the year list now sits at 150 in 21 days and a reasonable start to 2018.

Distant Little Bunting
and a couple more of yesterdays little cracker

and not a meal worm in sight!


  1. I saw it, Brian, at 1:50 p.m. or so with probably eight other birders, in a small window between quite thick snow and an incessant drip-drip-drip of rain; there had been about three and a half hours between when it was seen last in the morning until our sighting. I am also pretty sure it was not seen for the rest of the day, even though we all saw where it dropped. It's a pretty wonderful species to have seen in London. A Common redshank flew over to, but I assume that's already in your 150.

  2. Well played Terence, glad you got to see it as it is quite difficult to get on and yes I do have Redshank on the 150.
