
Sunday 26 November 2017

Horned Lark at Staines in the bag for ron.

A quick trip round the orbital car park this morning provided good scope views of the vagrant American Horned Lark at Staines reservoir.

We scoped through the fence from the public causeway but in three hours the bird didn't venture too close instead feeding in the sun light on the west bank with Mipits and Linnets. The only other bird of note was a fly over Peregrine.

Good company with a few Essex birders on site and good to catch a chat with GJ again.

Reading up on the taxonomy of the Horned Lark I found the useful link below on the BBRC site

So we await the split on this one which will provide a nice armchair tick when it comes.

The view up the west bank the lark just under the first pilon.
The Fence on the causeway!

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