
Sunday 5 November 2017

A Dusky Warbler at Sandwich

We left home at 5.30 this morning and paid the toll to cross the Thames and then the toll to get through the barrier of the "private" road at Sandwich.

We quickly found the mound behind the bushes near the Chequers Inn and within seconds had heard and seen the Dusky Warbler. As far as Dusky warblers go this was a very showy bird, never really sitting but it continued to fly around and called all the time to give us a clue as to it's location.
A nice twitch in good company but freezing cold standing on the mound facing the westerly wind.

Dusky Warbler
A Woodcock flew in while we watched and a couple of groups of Brambling flew over but we didn't find anything else of interest here.

We left after a few hours and made the short diversion to Oare Marsh to find the flood full of waders as the tide was in.
Hundreds of Golden Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank and Dunlin along with good numbers of Lapwing and Avocet. Four Greenshank and singles of Barwit, Purple Sandpiper and of course the Long-billed Dowitcher made this a memorable stop. If you can get down to Oare on hide tide one afternoon just do it. It won't disappoint. 

Golden Plover
Waders....say no more!
Long-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher

Year list now 270

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