
Thursday 28 September 2017

Red-throated Pipit at Landguard

Having asked the Jims if the Pipit was still at Landguard and the answer being "yes we've just seen it" I had to duck out of work a little early and head up the A12 some seventy miles to find the little Pipit for myself.
Once at the end of the boardwalk it didn't take long to pick out the paler bird among the darker/greener Meadow Pipits. Disappointed with the overall plumage I spend a while watching it trying to work on some of the diagnostics but the bird was quite elusive and difficult to get any time on it either in binoculars or camera.

There were lot's of Wheatear and Clouded Yellow about plus a single Hobby and Black Redstart to complete the trip highlights.

Year list now 265 Life list now 391

Red-throated Pipit at Landguard Suffolk

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