
Monday 18 September 2017

Arctic Warbler at Wells, PGT at Burnham and a bonus Phalarope

Norfolk with Suzanne today rewarded us with three cracking birds.

I started at Burnham Overy where views of the Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler were difficult and the phrase elusive was rewritten for this one. I moved on with a single flight view under my belt and walked down the track at Wells Woods to find the Arctic Warbler showing much better as it flitted around in the top of the willows doing a reliable circuit and giving everybody a chance to get on it every ten minutes or so. I managed a half decent record shot and then returned to the PGT for another wait and another short flight view.
News of a Grey Phalarope at Salthouse reached me so I made the short trip to enjoy a few minutes with it before returning to Burnham for another go and in the hope that I might grab an image of the bird but alas it decided not to "show well" until I was well on my way home.

Life list now 390
Year list now 264

Arctic Warbler
Over a hundred eyes on the prize.
A lot of bush beating and tape playing and the odd disagreement about the right and wrong way to see the bird. It wasn't the nicest twitch I've attended and certainly  wasn't a good advert for putting the birds well being first although It should be noted the the majority showed restraint and only a few got a little over emphused  in their approach.

Grey Phalarope at Salthouse
Grey Phalarope

Grey Phalarope


  1. Would love to have done the Arctic. PGT would have been a needs must

  2. Arctic Warbler was a joy to twitch Lee but the Gropper a different thing altogether and one I could do without repeating any time soon.
