
Thursday 13 July 2017

Marsh Sandpiper at Cliffe Pools in Kent

An after work drive down to Cliffe Pools rewarded us with distant views of the visiting Marsh Sandpiper. We drove the track down to the mound in the wifes 4x4 and with the track being more pot hole than road we needed it. (Take the Pond Hill route if you're brave enough otherwise park in the Salt Lane car park and walk along the track to the second viewing mound after the Black Barn)

The views are distant but with good light and the scope max'd out you can make out some of the key features. The bird has spent some time on the closer pool which would make things a bit easier.
The RSPB have sensibly kept the two broods of Black-winged Stilts quiet until news of the Marsh Sandpiper broke and with them being on the same pool it was time to make things public but they are still keeping a close eye on the young birds to give them the best chance of making it.

Map of the reserve
A Barn Owl hunted the fields and the pools also held Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Avocets, Redshank etc.

And to finish off just one more from the recent Fox session.

Year list now 245
Life list now 384

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