
Sunday 23 April 2017

Suffolk Sunday

With the A12 closed we headed up the M11 and crossed the A14 picking up the A12 north of the closure as we headed up to our first stop at Minsmere where a walk down to Island Mere delivered a singing Savi's Warbler along with good views of Bearded Tit. Reed, Sedge and Cetti's Warblers all sang for us and the Bitterns "boomed".

Bearded Tit
Bearded Tit

A Weasel was seen and we then heard our first Whitethroat of 2017 before catching site of it on top of a bramble bush. Three Spoonbill flew over but didn't settle.

From Minsmere we dropped in to Boyton and Hollesely Marsh RSPB sites where we watched a pair of Cranes fly over and had eight Whimbrel drop in. At Hollesley  the Jims got on the Wood Sandpiper as I papped a Linnet on the sea wall but I did manage to find a Common Sandpiper before another Whimbrel dropped in.


Year list now 202

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