
Saturday 15 April 2017

Cattle Egrets two for the price of one

A solo run this morning with the intention of connecting with the Cattle Egret at Iken but stopping at Minsmere first where the chilly North west winds made it a very brisk walk around. I heard my first Reed Warbler of the year enjoyed some nice views of displaying Marsh Harriers and heard a number of Bitterns boom.

Back at Iken I eventually found a Cattle Egret in with the suckling heard on Sandy Lane although it was keeping low in a ditch. Whilst trying to grab a record shot another Egret popped up and to my surprise it too turned out to be a Cattle Egret so I set about trying to get the record shot with both birds in it.

On the way home I took a short diversion to search again for the Sudbury White Stork and this time struck lucky finding it feeding in the field by Grey's Hall. It took flight whilst I was there circling high overhead before dropping back in the same field. Listed as "of unkown origin" but still a good bird to watch.

Year list now 196

White Stork
White Stork
Cattle Egrets at Iken
Marsh Harrier at Minsmere

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