
Sunday 19 March 2017

A few more migrants return

Today saw me on a solo run up to Minsmere with a quick stop at Dunwich Heath on the way in  and Abberton on the way home.

I ticked Dartford and Cetti's Warbler on the heath before making my way to North Hide at Minsmere where I quickly found a drake Garganey and smart pair of Smew. A single House Martin flew over the scrape with a Sand Martin giving another early year tick. I searched hard for Jack Snipe but found only eight Common Snipe. A walk to Bittern hide provided the opportunity to find a drake Pintail on the way and gave two more ticks with Bearded Tit and Bittern from the hide before I left taking a small detour to finally tick Scaup this year at Abberton. 

A grey windy day in Suffolk moved the year list to 171. 

Dartford Warbler 
Goldeneye at Abberton

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