
Sunday 29 January 2017

Pine Bunting at Murston NR Kent

Arriving at first light and walking the extremely muddy track down to the sea wall we spent the next 3 hours scanning the bushes around the shooting pool hoping for a glimpse of the Pine Bunting.

I had the briefest of views as it walked about with a Yellowhammer feasting on the seed put out by the shooters. Another guy had a similar view before the shout went up that somebody had it sitting up on the far bushes and he kindly shared his scope with us so we could get a pointer for it. I managed to get on it in my scope but it dropped to the floor and out of sight so we left with the cold now setting into the bones.

With a fifty mile detour on the way home we landed in Beachy Road Broadfield and were straight on the Rose-coloured Starling that's wintering here. The bird came down giving good views in gloomy light and is starting it's spring moult so we may still get to see it in the pink.

Rose-coloured Starling
Rose-Coloured Starling at Beachy Road Broadfield
Rose-coloured Starling

Cold and tired we headed home with the two year ticks and the Lifer in the bag.

Year list now 147 
Life list now 382

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