
Tuesday 20 December 2016

Blyth's Pipit at Blagdon Lakes

I took a gamble this morning whilst already on my way down to see the Cirl Buntings at Broadsands in Devon I decided on the short detour to check in at Blagdon Lakes for any news of the Blyth's Pipit reported yesterday with a message that said it had been there for a few days but that access/parking arrangements would be released once sorted.

I arrived at the lakes early to find a few cars parked on the main road but with the gate to the fishing lodge open I drove in and took the right turn  at the lodge. Heading along the track I was greeted by a ranger asking for my £4 permit money which I happily paid (Guess that's what they had to get sorted?) and continued along the track to the point where the road had been fenced off. Just beyond the fence was a group of birders clearly enjoying scope views of the Blyth's Pipit. I joined them and quickly got on the bird watching it for an hour, grabbing some distant record shots before heading back to the car to continue my journey south. The pipit was much larger than the Meadow Pipits it was hanging with, much leggier and less streaked on the chest. It called as it flew over at one point with the locals comparing it to a Richard's saying it was similar but a higher pitch although to me it was not so clear. The bird had a strange stance resembling a Wheatear in the way it moved rather than a pipit.

At Broadsands I enjoyed a male and two Cirl Buntings feeding with the Dunnocks and Finches.

Blyth's Pipit at Blagdon
Male Cirl Bunting
Female Cirl Bunting
Cirl Bunting
Cirl Bunting
Cirl Bunting
Cirl Bunting at Broadsands
Year list now 279
Life list now 381

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