
Sunday 20 November 2016

Dungeness during storm Angus

Having seen the Mistley Tern last night the pressure to follow the crowds in that direction today was well and truly off so we headed instead down the M20 to Dunge and into the eye of the storm.

90 mph winds had battered the Kent coast and continued to do so while we attempted a short sea watch. Large groups of Scoter flew down and a couple of Divers, Kittiwake and Gannets were noted but little else as the waves continued to crash along the shingle beach. A couple of Turnstone and a single Sanderling kept us company around the fishing boats but a brief spell at the puddles delivered nothing out of the ordinary despite the quantity of Gulls being good.

Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

On the reserve we enjoyed good views of both the Catle Egret and Ring-necked Duck and on the approach road found four Bewick's Swans among a small group of Mutes.

Ring-necked Duck
Ring-necked Duck
Ring-necked Duck at Dungeness

Year list now 277 and I'm finally in front of last years total.

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