
Thursday 3 November 2016

Birthday presents

Yes I'm a year older and with some of the battles I've faced over the years each birthday is something to celebrate believe me.

So after answering a few text messages, opening a few presents (mostly bird related with a sprinkling of Springsteen) seeing my parents, eating cake and enjoying a garden tick when a Stock Dove dropped in for the first time I headed off in search of some birthday bird action.

Burwell Fen was my destination and the expected Short-eared Owl show didn't let me down with at least three birds showing well from about 2.30pm until dusk.

Short-eared Owl at Burwell Fen
Short-eared Owl
Short - eared Owl at Burwell Fen Cambridgeshire
Short-eared Owl....fabulous birds to watch!

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