
Sunday 9 October 2016

WWW. wet Warbler weekend

Norfolk this morning.

First stop Holkham Pines were we eventually found the Radde's Warbler after a two mile walk, two hours in the wrong place and a good soaking. Yellow-browed Warblers numbered at least six and a single Ring Ouzel flew over. Large flocks of thrushes contained Redwing and Song Thrush with smaller numbers of Mistle Thrush. Grey Partridge in the car park added to the day list as did Jack Snipe on the pond opposite Eastbank at Cley.

At Cromer we connected well with the Dusky Warbler which called and showed well but we did get another soaking for our trouble here so headed home wet with three year ticks and a lifer in the form of the Radde's. (We dipped one here a while back so nice to put that to bed)

The camera didn't make it out of the bag today mainly due to the weather and the birds being really elusive and mobile.

Life list now 377
Year list now 267

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