
Saturday 2 July 2016

DIY and Garden birds

A rather difficult DIY project has kept me tied down over the last week or so but whilst relaxing this afternoon in the garden I was pleased with the variety of birds I saw and the amount of fledglings using the feeders today.

First a fly over Hobby (Always a good garden tick) followed by a pair of Sparrohawks then a Little Egret flew over the rooftops. Lesser-black Gull, Herring Gull and Black-headed Gull all flew over as did a pair of Swift. Magpie, Jackdaw, Crow and Rook all put in an appearance as did Wood and Feral Pigeon along with Collared Doves.

Dunnock visited with their young and a pair of Robin also dropped in with two youngsters. Over twenty House Sparrow came to the feeders and a very large group of Starling made a brief appearance. (I don't see many Starling in the garden usually since I stopped putting out fatballs) Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Blue & Great Tit all visited with young and a pair of Chaffinch used the feeders but as yet have no young to speak of. A Blackbird sang it's heart out tonight too.

In all a very pleasant hour or two winding down in the garden after a hard days graft on the DIY front.

Year list firmly dormant at this point in time but here's hoping for more time to bird in the coming weeks.

Blue Tit (juvenile)
House Sparrow  Dad with one of the many youngsters in their family group
House Sparrow
Hobby over the garden 
Distant pair of Sprawks
Goldfinch Juvenile

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