
Friday 17 June 2016

Great Knot at Titchwell

I popped into Titchwell today whilst on my travels, With instructions to look for the big yellow bouy that sat on the sand bank I quickly found the right area and I was greeted by several thousand Knots roosting on the beach. The work started with scope in hand as I tried to find the Great Knot amongst all the not so great ones then as I struggled along the whole lot took flight circled around and landed back on the same sand bank. This time the GREAT KNOT sat out at the front and gave great scope views before walking all the way along the back edge showing really well as it did and then slipping back among the roost and out of site. A smart bird in good plumage and showing much better than the last one I saw.

Avocet with three chicks standing on her legs.
Avocet Chick
A few common Scoter, Cuckoo, Bittern, Bearded Tit, Red Crested Pochard, Spotted Redshank, Little Gull, Little Tern, Little Ringed Plover and Marsh Harrier all added to a nice supporting cast.

Marsh Harrier
At the drying barns I located Grey Partridge, Yellow Wagtail, Turtle Dove and a single Corn Bunting otherwise a very dull and grey Norfolk visit.

Grey Partridge
brown headed Gull
Meadow Pipit
The not so great Great Knot record shot

Year list now 248

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