
Sunday 22 May 2016

Oare and Elmley

An early morning trip down to Oare marsh in Kent rewarded me with a drake Garganey, Marsh Harriers, Cuckoo and Bearded Tits to name a few.

Avocets at Oare Marsh
Garganey at Oare Marsh
Bearded Tits doing well at Oare
Moving on to Elmley I found more Marsh Harriers and a Short-eared Owl along with plenty of Yellow Wagtails, Redshank and Lapwing as you'd expect at this time of year. Plenty of Brown Hare on the reserve and Skylarks were singing well too to make an enjoyable morning before the old fella rang to see if I'd pick him up from the hospital. He had a new knee fitted on Thursday and is now back at home after only three days which is quite amazing in my book. I don't suppose it'll be long before he's out birding again.

Yellow Wagtail at Elmley
Yellow Wag!
Redshank chicks
Redshank with chicks at Elmley
Marsh Harrier hunting at Elmley
Marsh Harrier resting between raids on the waders
Brown Hare at Elmley
The old man's new knee!
No year ticks added today but a decent bit of birding all the same.


  1. The Redshank with chicks is far too cute, Brian! Lovely photos. Good luck to your "old man" (your words, not mine! ;o)) with his knee.
