
Sunday 29 May 2016

It's a Great Hobby

Pun fully intended!

A drive down to Dunge this morning at stupid o'clock gave Jim and I the chance to dip the "red male" Rosefinch reported yesterday but as the handful of readers of this blog will know.....Dunge always delivers!

A great Hobby
A splendid Hobby sat up on a shed at the road side and allowed a close approach using the car as a hide rewarding me with some stunning images and my best views of Hobby ever as the bird sat warming itself in the early sun.

Black Redstart showed well on the fence of the power station and several Marsh Harrier hunted the fringes of ARC pit. Two Cuckoo were seen on the walk down to the hide but little else of note although a Glaucous Gull was reported at the patch a little after we left.

Our next stop was Worth Marsh where we found the young male Montagu's Harrier hunting along the railway lines until it was pushed on by the local corvids. Again Cuckoo was seen here and a fly over Turtle Dove made it a decent stop off before our final destination delivered good views of a pair of Spotted Flycatcher which like Turtle Dove seem harder and harder to find as the years go by.

Spotted Flycatcher in Kent
A good day out with Jim and a couple of year ticks added for my trouble too but the big highlight was the stunning Hobby down at Dunge.

Year list now 242

A few more images from the last couple of days.

Coot at Connaught Waters
Fox in my garden
Marsh Harrier at Elmley
Mandarin at Connaught Waters
Hare hiding in the grass at Elmley

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