
Saturday 2 April 2016

Minsmere and Landguard

Sand Martins were seen as we got out of the car this morning and we enjoyed watching them as they scrapped for territory on the sand bank at Minsmere.

Sand Martins at Minsmere
Sand Martin
From North Hide we located the Garganey and the old man found himself a Jack Snipe.
A long wait at East scrape failed to deliver the Iceland Gull we'd hoped for but a Caspian was picked out. Other birds present were good numbers of Med Gull, Blackwits, Avocet, Ringed Plovers, Turnstone, Snipe and Redshank. Bittern boomed as we waited but none were seen today. Cetti's warblers seem to be in every bush and a few bearded Tits pinged across the reed bed.
On Dunwich Heath we saw several Dartford Warblers and a nice Woodlark singing it's heart out up in a tree on the heath.

At Landguard we located five male Wheatear and a pair of smart Black Redstarts. Among the Pied Wagtails was a single White Wagtail. Migrant numbers were low but then tonight's easterly might help bring in a few for tomorrow.

Black Redstart

Year list now 187

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