
Saturday 30 April 2016

Getting back on the bike

The drive home today was interupted by breaking news of a White crowned Sparrow at Woolston Eye NR in Cheshire. A quick check on the sat nav and it's a very short five mile diversion from my route home down the M6 so it had to be done. Sadly the bird had decided to go missing and didn't show while I was on site or indeed for the rest of the day.

I did grad a distant shot of one of eight Black-necked Grebes on site and found a Common Whitethroat for a year tick too.  A nice permit only reserve with good facilities.

Black-necked Grebe
Now when you dip there's nothing better than your next tick so I made the 60 mile drive down to Telford and after a few false alarms with the local Chiffies and Willow Warblers I managed to find the consolation prize of the Iberian Chiffchaff thanks to some local help . It's no White crowned Sparrow but at least it's got me straight "back on the bike".

Year list now 217
Life list now 369

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