
Sunday 13 March 2016

Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Blakeney Freshmarsh

A day out today took me up the A10 in thick freezing fog in what was probably the scariest drive of my life with visibility down to just a couple of metres in places but I slowly made it safely through the gloom.

First stop was Brancaster Staithe where I stopped to pap the Bar-tailed Godwits, Redshank, Dunlin and Oystercatchers.  A Red Kite was a surprise bird here but the Red-necked Grebe wasn't seen.

Bar-tailed Godwit
Black-tailed Godwit
Herring Gull
Next stop was Blakeney Freshmarsh where a walk out along the sea wall delivered great views of Lapland Buntings along with Twite, Meadow and Rock Pipit. Marsh Harriers hunted as did a Merlin just before my arrival. I did find a Pale-belly in amongst the Brents here and managed a couple of shots before it flew off to the back of the marsh. The Laplands were singing and even displaying some courtship behaviour.

Lapland Bunting
Lapland Bunting 
Lapland Bunting
Brent Geese including a Pale bellied!
Pale-bellied Brent Goose with three Dark bellied Brents
Pale Belly at Blakeney
Back in the car and I headed along the coast stopping to watch a day flying Barn Owl at Burnham Norton using the car as a hide. Whilst watching the Owl an adult male Hen Harrier flew across the fields and was then followed by a pair of Marsh Harriers and a Common Buzzard.

Barn Owl 
Barn Owl
Barn Owl 
At Choseley the Rough-legs had gone into hiding with several Common Buzzards circling overhead instead. Good numbers of Grey Partridge were seen and Hares seem to be doing well with upto twenty viewable from the drying barns alone.

No year ticks today but plenty of good birds showing reasonable well for the camera instead.
I'll take that!

Barn Owl at Burnham Norton
Very distant record of the adult male Hen Harrier seen from the car at Burnham Norton

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