
Friday 25 March 2016

Now that's what I call a Good Friday

7am this morning and we're walking around the lighthouse garden at Dunge with four Black Redstart already in the bag and a few Chiffchaff from the car before we start walking between the lighthouse and obs where we quickly find at least fifteen Firecrest probably a good few more. They are in good company with plenty of Goldcrest too and wow! do they give us good views.

A Woodcock flew up and away from the power station as we approached and in the Lighthouse garden we found more Chiffchaff, at least three more Firecrest and two Continental Coal Tits along with a few more Goldcrest.

A walk along the beach delivers me a first Wheatear of the year whilst the Jims sat it out in the car taking a much needed rest. Plenty of Mipits and Skyarks about along with good numbers of Blackbird and Thrush but no Ring Ouzel was found on our visit today.

Meadow Pipit
On the reserve we found two drake Smew and a redhead along with a Great White Egret and we had great views of Mipit, Reed Bunting, Stonechat and Sprawk from the Dengemarsh track.

Reed Bunting
Leaving Dunge we detoured to take in the sites of Elmley and what a good call that was with great views of Marsh Harrier and the usual waders whilst we also located the Jack Snipe and a loan Short-eared Owl towards dusk before leaving for the relatively short drive home.  Again a magical stop at Elmley which really is buzzing at the moment.

Jack Snipe at Elmley
Short-eared Owl at Elmley
More images to follow from Good Fridays good trip to Kent.

Year list now 182

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