
Sunday 7 February 2016

Suffolk / Norfolk tick success

I picked Jim up at 6am and headed up the A12 into Suffolk for first light leaving the old man keeping his sofa warm. We arrived at North Warren and started scanning from the raised ditch area. Plenty of Barnacle, White-fronted and Greylag Geese were found in the distance before we eventually found a couple of Bean Geese in with the crowd. A fox patrolled the waters edge and had an interesting interaction with a passing Marsh Harrier. Lot's of Wigeon, Snipe and Lapwing here along with Skylark. Four Spoonbill were reported from the south end of the marsh but we left without seeing them.

Our next stop was in order to connect with Dartford Warbler and they showed really well for us in a very brief stop. A Great-spotted Woodpecker gave me another year tick as we drove through Lesiton.

Dartford Warbler
We moved on to Blythburgh and joined a few other birders on the causeway bridge. We scanned the distant Teal and found the Green-winged bird among them clearly showing it's nasal ring. Lot's of Dunlin, Redshank, Knot and Oystercatcher were present here and gave a good display and they searched for suitable feeding areas. As we continued to move up the A12 we passed through Lowestoft and couldn't resist a quick stop to watch the Purple Sandpipers at Ness Point (The most Easterly point of the UK). Three birds performed for us and a further four flew by. Red-throated Diver were on the move off shore.
Back on the road we made our next stop at Winterton where a longer than expected walk north from the car park eventually rewarded us with a group of thirty or so Snow Bunting and a couple of Sanderling. Skylarks sang and Red-throated Diver continued to be seen moving south.

Snow Buntings at Winterton
We jumped back in the car and headed towards the north Norfolk coast stopping first at Wells where the Shag was quickly added to the year list. At Holkham Hall we walked out to the lake and after walking from the north to the south and back again we found two Scaup and a Fudge duck for our trouble. A hybrid "fudged" duck is also present along with large numbers of Tufted, Wigeon and Shoveler. Egyptian and Greylag geese are present and a single Pintail was seen. The park has lot's of Redwing feeding under the trees and the usual deers are always a welcome sight.


Barn Owl
A Barn Owl delayed our route from Holkham to Brancaster but after a few shots rain stopped play and the Owl took flight to head back to it's barn. At Brancaster we were put on the Red-necked Grebe by the locals and had brief views of the waders on display namely Dunlin, Redshank, Oystercathcher, Barwit, Turnstone and Ringed Plover before making our exit in an attempt to find our way to Roydon for another shot at the Pallid Harrier. This bird has proved problematic to us with six trips to Flitcham all resulting in zero sightings. With news that it is now being seen at roost on Roydon Common we headed there arriving at around 3.45pm to find the car park bursting and as we walked out onto the heath fifty or so birders lined the footpath ahead of us. We joined them to find the Pallid Harrier hunting in the distance giving us a tenth year tick for the day. The Pallid Harrier was lost to view before appearing right over our heads and then hunting below us with a couple of ringtails. To cap the day off the bird then decided to sit on a post for us giving fantastic scope views and one of those Chris Packham thigh rubbing moments.

Pallid Harrier

A text to the sofa hugging one just saying BOOM! finished a great days birding East Anglia.

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