
Sunday 17 January 2016

Golden Pheasant at Wolferton FINALLY!

We headed up to Norfolk again this morning in a miserable attempt to get the old man a life tick on the Pallid Harrier at Flitcham. This was our sixth visit and we've given around twenty hours to this bird (or should I say this lack of bird). Needless to say despite arriving at first light this was to be another day when the bird chose not to show. We witnessed some good birds whilst waiting and these included Merlin, Buzzard, Barn Owl, Grey Partridge, Yellowhammer, Brambling and Tree Sparrow. Feeling the chill we diverted from the vigil to try our luck with the Wolferton Triangle and this time got lucky when the Golden Pheasant came out to play. The light was poor in the narrow lane but I managed to catch the moment with a couple of (dull) images.

Golden Pheasant
Pure Gold!
Returning to Flitcham we found a few Redwing for another year tick but the Pallid obviously didn't fancy the cold weather and kept itself hidden all day. On the journey south we stopped to check the fields around Welney to add Whooper and Bewick's Swans to the year list.

The year list now stands at 136


  1. It certainly is stunning Steff just a shame they struggle to establish viable populations here as they are getting harder to find in recent years. Still pleased to get the views we had of this splendid male.
