
Sunday 18 October 2015

Wells wood alive with migrants

We headed to Wells wood Norfolk this morning pulling into the car park around 7.15am having enjoyed the usual Barn Owls on the way up. Paid and displayed we duly wondered off down the track listening for the reported Blyth's reed Warbler in the company of Lee B. The bushes were alive with Goldcrest and Robins. Overhead there was big movements of Redwing and Fieldfare. Blackbirds and Blackcaps were also present and a few small tit flocks added to the spectacle. News from a passing birder had us making for "the old toilet block" where the Blyth's had apparently been seen. We arrived with a small crowd and spend some time looking/listening but we only picked up Dunnock, Goldcrest and Robin.

Red-flanked Bluetail Wells wood Norfolk
As we walked along the track the Blyth's was reported but it would have to wait as we were now on route to "the drinking pool" and on arrival we were quickly enjoying the Red flanked Bluetail. It was dark in the area which didn't make for photographic opportunity so I fired off just a single record shot.(above)
We moved on missing a Great Grey Shrike as we walked the path. Goldcrests flitted about everywhere and as we approached a small group of birders we were told that both Hume's and Yellow-browed Warbler had been seen just before we arrived. A brief wait and then we heard the call of the Hume's before it flew up and over the track. The Yellow-browed then started to call from the opposite side of the track.

As we returned to the Dell area just south of the toilet block we joined another small group and waited for the Blyth's to show which it duly did. We watched as it moved about half way up the trees showing between branches but again the camera stayed in the bag for this one. So we've now had some good birds but the views had been pretty brief on all.

We returned to the car aware that our ticket was due to expire and made our way to Muckleburgh walking to the hill to find another gathering already circling a tree at the bottom of the hill. The Olive-backed Pipit showed really well and I even managed a couple of shots as it trotted about in the bracken.
Several Brambling flew over as we stood watching the Pipit.

Olive-backed Pipit Muckleburgh Hill
Olive-backed Pipit
Our final stop of this trip was Beeston Common where we enjoyed the Isabelline Shrike again and a fresh in Long -Eared Owl as it flew from it's roost after being mobbed by the local Magpies.

Isabelline Shrike
Lot's of familiar faces in Norfolk today all enjoying a very memorable fall 
Year list now 265


  1. Should have stuck with you Brian, would have a few more ticks on the list.......Good seeing you all

  2. Yeah it certainly lived up to the billing on the day. Nice to see you too and try to get out more!
