
Sunday 13 September 2015

Wryneck at Minsmere

An early search for the Whin Hill Wryneck failed but we did get Hobby and Redstart as consolation.

Further on round the reserve and we picked up our third Redstart of the day, a Whinchat, Wheatear several Lesser and Common Whitethroat lot's of Bearded Tit and several large groups of Siskin flew over. Swallows were still feeding young at the sluice and juvenile Stonechat, Goldfinch and Greenfinch showed that  most had managed late broods this year. On the scrape we found good numbers of Spotted Redshank and a single Snipe with the Godwits and Avocets. Marsh Harriers hunted with Sparrowhawk and Kestrel over the marsh whilst an Osprey, Short-eared Owl and Bittern were seen while we were on site but we missed these.

Swallow in flight
The Barred Warbler failed to show while we were on site but was reported (not sure who got on that but the  small area was well watched all morning without anybody seeing the target that I was aware of so the report is a bit of a mystery.)

A final stop back at Whin Hill delivered good but distant views of the Wryneck so all was not lost and you have to love any view of Wryneck so we happily watched it feeding for about an hour before heading home.

The Wryneck  (left of the post on the ground!)
The year list now sits at 256

and a few more Redstarts.......


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