
Friday 18 September 2015

Norfolk weekend

Back in Norfolk for the weekend

A good start to the day when I picked up a fishing Osprey at Thornham harbour and spotted two Spoonbill in the distance. Hundreds of Curlew, Lapwing and Golden Plover were present whilst Cormorants and Sanderling had massed on the beach. Wigeon, Brent and even Pink foot have started to arrive already.

At Brancaster Staithe we enjoyed the company of several Turnstone along with Curlew, Redshank and Ringed Plover. Common Gull were present with the Black-heads and Herrings.

Our last stop was Titchwell where Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint were highlights. Hobby, Marsh Harrier and Peregrine flew over and Bearded Tits were seen from the hide. Yellow Wagtail and Whimbrel were good ticks too.

A decent first day on the north Norfolk coast.

Little Stint
Little Stint with two Dunlin
Ruff with Curlew Sandpiper
Herring Gull 

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