
Saturday 26 September 2015

Essex Phalarope

The Wilson has been in Essex for a week now and I finally found the time to go and look at it today.
The Jims picked me up after work and we arrived early afternoon at Vange Marsh to find a small get group of birders with scopes aimed at the back of the marsh. We quickly picked up the Phalarope spinning around in the distance just before it was flushed by a passing Marsh Harrier. It was relocated and we enjoyed good scope views of it along with Little Stint. A single Ringed Plover at least three Green Sandpipers and what looked at distance like a Wood Sand were good additions. A few Spotted Redshank, Ruff and several Common Snipe added to the list before we moved on to Wat Tyler hoping for the Glossy Ibis to drop in at roost but sadly we left without seeing it. We did get to see Bearded Tit, Marsh Harrier and Peregrine Falcon but the Glossy didn't join the Wilson on the year list.
Nice to bump into Alex and Steff too who'd travelled down for the Wilson.

Marsh Harrier at Wat Tyler

Marsh Harrier

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