
Sunday 2 August 2015

Dungeness NNR

We arrived at Hanson Hide over looking ARC pit at Dunge this morning around 7.30am and were quickly put on both Little Stint and Wood Sandpiper by the only other birder present. A female Ruff, Dunlin and Redshank being the only other waders present apart from the large roost of Lapwing. The reeds were alive with Cetti's, Sedge and Reed Warblers whilst Swallows and Sand Martins have already started to gather.

On the reserve we saw five Stoat and two Mink running along the road which is not something you see everyday. Not sure Mink have any place on an RSPB reserve. Best bird on the reserve was a splendid Lesser Whitethroat tending it's young.

We paid a brief visit to the fishing boats but it was dead with the gull roost being out on the mud as the tide out. On the sea we had distant Gannets, Common and Sandwich Terns whilst a very distant Skua moved through at pace. Three Scoter and a single Auk flew East and at the hide we eventually located a couple of Yellow-legged Gulls. The sea wall area was alive with Butterflies and several Hummingbird Hawk Moths were resting or feeding on the wall.

Hummingbird Hawk Moth
Hawk Moth
Painted Lady
A drive around the MOD land gave up a pair of Wheatears which are probably the first migrants to arrive ready for departure to foreign lands. No Whinchat but a couple of Stonechats were present.
A decent morning in Kent with just the M25 roadworks as a negative.


Year list now 248

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