
Sunday 7 June 2015

Titchwell and Choseley drying barns

We made the trip up the A10 this morning pulling into Titchwell around 7.30am. A Barn Owl was seen as we parked and a Cuckoo was heard calling before we'd set off down the footpath. Avocet, Godwits and a mix of ducks and geese were noted before the real birding started. Five Marsh Harriers took the the sky together and a pair of Little ringed Plover paraded around in front of the hide. A drake Garganey sat on one of the small islands and gave good scope views and at least fourteen Little Gulls showed well before a single Little Tern put in a brief appearance. As we walked to the beach Wren, Linnet, Reed Bunting and Dunnock sang well and on the sea we noted Common, Sandwich and Little Terns along with a few Gannets and Auks.
A Chinese Water deer put in a show too before we left and headed up the Choseley.

Little Gull
Little Gulls
Little Gull in flight
Moorhen fight
At the drying barns we saw three Turtle Dove and a couple of Corn Buntings. Grey and Red-legged Partridge were present as were good numbers of Yellowhammer and a few more Marsh Harriers. A Hobby flew over to give Jimmy a year tick at last. Hare numbers here are very good.

The year list ticked over to 236 with the Little Gulls

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