
Wednesday 24 June 2015

Another trip "up north"

I've had three days in Yorkshire this week so took in a couple of hot spots during my stay.
First stop was Blacktoft Sands where a walk to Singleton hide revealed the Ring-necked Duck and a female Montagu's Harrier. The duck was tucked away and only just viewable in the scope whilst the harrier put a great show flying across the back of the reedbed for about forty minutes. Sadly the male bird didn't show whilst I was there but Marsh Harriers did in good numbers. The reserve volunteer told me the Montagu's were feeding young so that's encouraging and the Marsh Harriers raised twenty one young last season so they're doing something right here. A very nice reserve with a good selection of hides with easy access and only a short walk from the car park. Singleton is best to watch for the Monty and it's only a five minute walk.

Marsh Harrier
I also visited Bempton Cliffs and enjoyed great views of a Barn Owl hunting from the visitor centre and lot's of Tree Sparrow around the feeders. At the cliff face Gannet, Fulmar, Kittiwake, Razorbill, Guillemot and Puffin were all well represented and the noise was impressive. I love these seabird colonies as they're just so alive with constant comings and goings and little drama's on every ledge as birds look after young and try to find a little space to land etc.  Throw in a quick stop of at Flamborough Head and my whistle stop tour was over but it did bag me three year ticks taking the list to 242

Tree Sparrows making little Tree Sparrows
Barn Owl
Barn Owl 


  1. Great to see your Bempton shots, Brian. They're all such photogenic birds! I'm heading there this weekend for my first visit - can't wait ;o)

  2. Thanks Lucy and yes it's a great place to visit....if you get there early be sure to look for the Barn Owl and have a great day.
