
Sunday 26 April 2015

Lakenheath and Titchwell

We set off so early this morning the car park lighting was still on when we arrived at Lakenheath.

It's never too early!
Our walk along the public footpath listening to the dawn chorus was more than interesting and made up for the grey skies and damp conditions. We'd had a Barn Owl before entering the reserve and the first call as we get out of the car is our first Cuckoo of 2015. As we walk up the path the reed bed is alive with the calls of Sedge and Reed Warbler with a few Whitethroat around for good measure too. Cetti's is our next encounter before Grasshopper Warbler is heard reeling. Common Tern flew along the river and Bittern Boomed as we walked out to Joist Fen. Bearded Tit Pinged and Marsh Harrier hunted the fen. Two Cranes dropped into the reed bed from over the river bank and we generally had a decent visit.

Barn Owl seen  as we left Lakenheath
Urban Owl
We left and drove further north with Choseley Drying Barns our next destination with another two Barn Owls entertaining us on route.  We parked up in Chalkpit Lane and walked along towards the drying barns where a small group of birders had gathered. Within a couple of minutes we'd located the birds at distance in the fields below us. In the farm fields around the barn we found large flocks of Yellowhammer with Linnet and Corn Bunting in evidence too. Stock Docks were well represented along with RL Partridge and lot's of Hares. Marsh Harrier flew over as did a Red Kite being mobbed by Rooks. A single Wheatear was found by the old fella before the pager bleeped with news that a couple of Ring Ouzel had been found at Thornham so we left and made the mile or so journey to connect with the Ouzels before making it to our final destination at Titchwell.

Dotterel....right in the distance!
Hare and Red-legged Partridge
Red-legged Partridge
Marsh Harrier
Ring Ouzel at Thornham

After a coffee break we headed out along the footpath and connected with Little-ringed Plover, Spotted Redshank and a few others to give us a couple more year ticks.

Chinese Water Deer at Titchwell

Year list now 208

In the week I managed to visit Lea Valley and add Hobby to the year list and whilst listening to the Nightingales I got lucky with a pair of Bullfinch.

First Hobby of 2015

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