
Sunday 12 April 2015

Another day at Dunge

I  visited Dungeness today with my good lady and before we'd got out of the car she'd found a cracking Black Redstart which gave me a nice opportunity to grab one or two shots as it sat on the sea wall next to the car park. We made the short walk to the hide and enjoyed a bit of a sea watch as Suzanne sheltered from the wind and Tia (the dog) enjoyed a run on the shingle. At sea we found a few Porpoise and Great Crested Grebes and watched as Brent Geese flew east and a both Sandwich and Common Tern flew towards the patch.

Black Redstart
Black Redstart

Black Redstart
Black Redstart
Black Redstart
A walk around the moat and lighthouse garden delivered Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler and another two Black Redstart. Back at the reserve and we had a couple of Swallows and Sedge Warbler before a  Raven came close along the Gully in Denemarsh Road. We then drove across to Reculver where we enjoyed good views of four Ring Ouzels in the old caravan park.

Ring Ouzel
A brief drive along the track at Elmley resulted in the usual birds along with a single Snipe.

Little Egret
Little Egret
Little Egret
A nice day out with my girls and six year ticks to boot.

Year list now at 196

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