
Sunday 1 March 2015

Glaucous Gull in Dover Harbour

Destination Dover and we arrived in the pay and display car park at 7.15am
A short walk along the pier and we're scanning the gulls on the old disused hovercraft ramp without joy.
Luckily we came carrying bread and on the very first throw the target came flying into view. The camera came out we enjoyed an hour papping the gull as it flew up and down the length of the pier searching food.

Glaucous Gull at Dover
Glaucous Gull
It's a gull!
A seal popped up close to the shore and managed to catch a large flat fish or two. Three Purple Sandpipers were found on the concrete rocks and three Turnstone came walking along the pier to feast on the breadcrumbs we'd supplied. A cormorant and two Shags were feeding in the harbour with a couple of Great Crested Grebes and a single Diver put in a very brief appearance. Moving on we popped into Oare marsh where the water levels were high and wader counts very low save a few Lapwing and Avocets. The higher water had attracted good numbers of Pintail and a Marsh Harrier flew over too. As we scanned a Cetti's Warbler was heard. On the route home we diverted  to Elmley and found a pair of Grey Partridge as we pulled in off the main road before driving the track.  From the track we had a number of Lapwing,Redshank, Ruff, Blackwit, Curlew, Golden Plover, Skylark and a single Harrier.

Turnstone on Dover pier
Little Egret at Elmley
Grey Partridges at Elmley

Year list now at 153

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