
Sunday 29 March 2015

Alpine Swift at the Virgin Atlantic building in Crawley

The Jims wanted to make the trip to Gatwick this morning hoping yesterdays Alpine Swift had roosted over night. We arrived at first light parking in the car park in front of the Virgin Atlantic building before being politely asked to move by their security guy. I duly moved the car and walked back to the building to join the small twitch which now included LRGE. We stood in the light rain for a couple of hours before deciding a local nature reserve was a better attraction. Ten miles away we pulled into the car park at Warnham LNR and paid the £1.50 entry donation. A Jack Snipe had been seen but despite very distant views of "a Snipe" we couldn't get enough on it to clinch ID. A Kingfisher called and then landed on the tern rail in front of the hide and a pair of Grey Wagtails visited. We moved on to the next hide and enjoyed views of Great Spotted and Green Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Reed Bunting along with Tits and Finches. (A smart little reserve worth another visit when time permits)

Alpine Swift

Alpine Swift
Alpine Swift
Alpine Swift over the Virgin Atlantic building in Crawley
The local Brown Rats have made a tunnel network beneath the feeding station here and entertain as they come up and down to feed and a Mouse also visited to steal a cheap meal. Whilst enjoying the cover of this hide news came through on the pager that the Swift had been seen again leaving the VA building. We left and made the ten mile return trip in less than fifteen minutes to rejoin the small twitch. (ten to fifteen people)
The bird had vanished but within the next ten minutes we were treated to great views as it flew over the building and low across the road before landing on the side of the building to roost again. We managed to get a very quick record shot before the security guy asked us leave (but not before taking a look at the bird and extracting a little information to tell his employers what the strange group in their car park had come to see.) He very nicely said we could all take a quick look as we'd been waiting a while and then politely asked us to move back to the main road. (Good job by the guy who managed the situation well and although we'd all have liked a longer look at the roosting bird he at least allowed access for a quick view which was appreciated by all the cold wet birders on site)
My third Alpine Swift and not for the first time my year list has Alpine Swift before Common Swift.

Brown Rat
Brown Rat
Now think this is a Bank Vole (Thanks Lucy for the correction)

Year list now at 165


  1. Hi Brain, your "Mouse" looks more like a Bank Vole but I'm no expert. Just a thought. Glad you got the Swift! All the best, Lucy

  2. Thanks Lucy, I've googled Bank Vole and think you could well be right.....Very entertaining watching the little guy anyway and I guess we were lucky to get the Swift at the weekend as I hear access has been very restricted today.
