
Sunday 11 January 2015

Windy Wallasea

We enjoyed a windy visit to Wallasea this morning where it was freezing cold with the strong winds biting into the skin as we stood scanning from the sea wall.

Corn Bunting
Our reward for the session was Merlin, Rough-legged Buzzard, Hen Harrier and Marsh Harrier. Large flocks of both Corn Bunting and Linnet flew around the reserve and a big group of Starling were also seen.
Two Stonechats gave the camera a workout around the edges of the car park and on the wader front we had Lapwings, Golden Plover, Redshank and a heard only Greenshank.

Starlings on the move to avoid the Merlin
The Merlin was seen hunting Starlings and then sitting in the green field by the car park before taking flight again in pursuit of a flock of Buntings. The Rough Leg was distant as it hunted along the far bank but the Harriers came a little closer. Disappointed not to see any Peregrine on this visit.

Stonechat and Owl pellet
I didn't notice the Owl pellet until I looked at the image at home.

No Owls were seen on the visit but we did have one fly across the A12 on route moving from Bedfords Park towards the woods across the road. We first thought Short-eared but more likely would be Long-eared which would have been a nice tick should we be more certain but I guess the chances of a Shortie in Bedfords park are more slim than LEO.

A nice mornings birding and the year list now sits at 126

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