
Wednesday 17 December 2014

Quick tour of North Norfolk

The day started early with a session at Wolferton hoping to connect with the Golden Pheasants but this proved a poor start to the day with the triangle really quiet giving up just a couple of Muntjac deer during our visit. We moved on to Titchwell were the car park was alive with Chaffinches and the resident Robin came down to feed from the hand as it usually does on our visits. Walking the main path I left the Jims searching for Water Pipit and made my way to the beach. The Freshwater marsh has been flooded as part of the reserves management programme so held very little bird life on our visit. The beach was where all the action was with Grey Plover, Sanderling, Knot, Black & Bar-tailed Godwits all present although the sea itself was very quiet. Three Twite moved off as I got to the boardwalk area.

Bar-tailed Godwit
Bar-tailed Godwit

Bar-tailed Godwit
Bar-tailed Godwit
Bar-tailed Godwit
We drove from Titchwell down to Salthouse where a half a mile (seemed a lot longer) walk along the shingle finally delivered when we picked out a flock of over fifty Snow Bunting  feeding with at least fifteen Twite. As the flock was large it was easily spooked and our images were taken at distance but it was nice to see such a large group.

Snow Buntings
Snow Buntings
The fields around Salthouse held lot's of Brent Geese and a Black Brant had been reported.
On route we'd stopped at Lady Anne's Drive Holkham to scan the Pink Footed Geese hoping for a Bean or maybe even the Snow Goose that's roaming Norfolk with the Pinks. Our reward here was a threesome of Grey Partridge which was followed by two more groups during our tour. Always good to catch up with the Greys.

Pink -footed Goose
Grey Partridge
Our final stop was to watch the Corvid roost at Buckenham Marshes. We'd scanned the Geese and probably had the Taiga Beans but the light was fading and the group were distant so that year tick will have to wait for another day and gives good reason to revisit and watch the incredible roost as the Corvids arrive from everywhere to fight for space in the trees with extreme volume.

Corvid roost at Buckenham

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