
Tuesday 30 December 2014

Dipped the Penduline Tit in Bedford

With news that the Penduline Tit was still around this morning I set off only to spend most the day walking around Priory Park but the bird failed to show or at least failed to be found.

I had a nice Kingfisher and a pair of Stonechat as I walked the lake. Two Snipe were flushed and the lake held good numbers of Wigeon, Teal, Gadwall and Little Grebe. The hedges along Meadow Lane contained a small group of Long-tailed Tit and at least five Chiffchaff. One of these was causing some debate as to it's possible Siberian roots but failed to call at all so I left uncertain with it.

Long-tailed Tit
A shame to end the years birding with a dip but that's how the cookie crumbles.

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