
Sunday 16 November 2014

Wallasea Island Harriers and Owls

I spent more time at Wallasea Island in Essex this morning with my good lady hoping for some action from both the Hen Harriers and Short-eared Owls. Arriving around 8.30am it was very grey and the reserve was clouded in mist. I parked up and waited as the sun tried and failed to break through but eventually we were treated to our first Harrier of the morning as a young Marsh Harrier flew by. A ring-tail then woke and joined the party as it hunted the fields before being joined by a second Ring-tail and then a pair of Marsh Harriers. I spotted a single Short-eared Owl but it dropped back into the grass as quickly as it had risen. Another Shortie then came up in the distance to mob a harrier before another two also came up so at least four on site. Another was seen hunting the far ridge with a Hen Harrier for company before yet another came up flying close to the road but again quickly returned to the deck. A Sparrow-hawk was seen sitting out on the reserve along with three Kestrels and the place is alive with Corn Bunting and Skylark which I suppose helps attract all the raptors.

Hen Harrier
Hen Harrier
Hen Harrier, Heron and a Common Crane!
Two for the price of one
Corn Bunting
Corn Bunting
Corn Buntings
pair of Corn Buntings

The place is becoming my winter wonderland and I think I'll be spending a bit more time here in the coming weeks.



  1. Beautiful photos, you are so lucky to live near a beautiful spot to burd watch.

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