
Sunday 19 October 2014

Cattle Egret and LEO in Kent

The day started with us stood by the fishing boats at Dunge in strong wind and rain. Lot's of Gannets fishing, Great Crested Grebes on the sea, Kittiwakes and Sandwich Terns moving through, a distant Bonxie following a ship and both adult and Juvenile Arctic Skua coming right in to the tide line. Lot's of Goldfinch flocks around and good migration of Starlings. A few Common Scoter flew west and Turnstones ran along in front of us. Lot's of gulls feeding on the incoming tide but nothing of note.In the trapping area I noted four Ring Ouzel and a couple of Stonechat but little else worth a mention here.

Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Back at the RSPB reserve we found a drive by Great White Egret before pulling over at the farm track to view the heard of Cows hoping for a year tick in the form of the now seemingly resident Cattle Egret. After a brief wait with no sign I noticed the bird pop up out of the reeds briefly giving us hope. Shortly after the bird took flight and ended sitting on a cow and although distant the camera came out to grab a few shots...(lot's of shots).

Cattle Egret
The Egret was harassed non stop by a small gathering of Magpies but held it's own and defended the cow as it's territory.

Get off my cow!
We moved towards home but made a quick stop at Elmley where we eventually found a Long-eared Owl in the orchard area. I tried to grab a shot but it was in thick cover so the result wasn't great...(understatement!)
Wheatear, lot's of Curlew & Lapwings plus Skylark and Marsh Harrier added to a decent days total.

Marsh Harrier
Marsh Harrier
Year list now: 259

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