
Friday 19 September 2014

Brilliant Burnham

With the wife feeling a bit under the weather we have taken a weekend away and find ourselves staying in a lovely old Chapel in North Norfolk which is handy :)

Pumpkins fields in Norfolk
Our day started with the two hour drive north and a visit to Titchwell with Suzanne and Tia.
A walk along the sea path gave us terrific prolonged views of a family group of Bearded Tits. The reserve was holding good numbers of waders with Little Stint and Curlew Sandpiper the best of the bunch.

We headed back to the car and after a coffee stop at Brancaster Staithe we headed for Burnham Overy where I made the long walk to the dunes but boy was the walk ever worth it.
First bush at the end of the board walk held a stunning Yellow-browed Warbler that was seen very well and heard calling too. Three Red-breasted Flycatchers were feeding in the bushes along with a smart male Common Redstart. A garden Warbler showed well with two Lesser Whitethroat, a Common Whitethroat, a pair of Blackcap and a few Reed Bunting. The walk to the pines gave up another two Red-breasted Flycatcher, several Wheatear, a female Redstart and more Garden Warblers before the jewel in the crown with a stunning Barred Warbler. Birding doesn't get much better than this!

Barred Warbler
Red-breasted Flycatcher

The walk back delivered more views of these birds along with a couple of large tit flocks and a party of Siskin.

A fabulous day and with more gloomy weather forecast I reckon tomorrow will deliver a few more delights.

Oh and the Chapel we're staying in is great too!

The Bedroom
The Living room

Year list now at 248


  1. Wow you have been busy. Fabulous pictures as ever. Hope you both have a lovely weekend x

  2. Thanks, we worked out today that I can walk 3.5miles on a shingle beach in the time it takes Suzanne to walk around a shop!
