
Saturday 23 August 2014

Wheatears and Waders

An early morning trip to Dunge today found a very calm sea, no wind and even the sun was shining almost had me thinking I'd taken a wrong turn. On the beach the Common Terns were noisy as they hunted up and down the tide line and a number of gulls roosted but nothing of note.

Wheatear Wreck
On the shingle there were Wheatears everywhere with one upturned boat having eight birds on it at one time.
A drive around the reserve gave up more Wheatears and a further drive around Denge Marsh gave up more but I found no Whinchat.

I drove across to Oare where the East Flood was full to bursting with waders.
Big numbers of Black-tailed Godwits, Avocet and Golden Plover, A few Dunlin, Ruff, Redshank, Lapwing and Ringed Plover made up the bulk along with a couple of Knot a single Green and Curlew Sandpiper and a Snipe. A pair of Marsh Harrier and a Common Buzzard flew over giving the waders some concern.

Black-tailed Godwit
I enjoyed watching the waders wading for a while before making the journey home.
No ticks today but a nice break from work all the same.

Looks like I may have missed a "probable" Baltic Gull........ouch!
note to self: must work harder at Gull ID.


  1. I think Whinchats are a bit late Brian

  2. I think you're right Dave but there's been a good few moving through London so I was hoping one or tow might have made it to week or two I guess.

  3. Love the Snipe photo. They always seem to be skulking whenever I see them!
