
Sunday 3 August 2014

Spotted Crake at Twitch-well


I debated going down south for the Bee-eaters today but the forecast for Norfolk looked much better so I headed up there with the Jims at the crack of dawn pulling into the car park at Twitchwell before 7am.
We headed down to Island hide and spotted the Spotted Crake walking the reed border before we'd even got down the ramp. It showed really well but failed to come out into the light so any photographs were going to be difficult.  The bird showed real spirit as it challenged any bird brave enough to get close including a juvenile Water Rail that tricked a few into thinking two Crakes had arrived.

Spotted Crake always in the shadow
Also on Freshmarsh was a cracking Wood Sandpiper showing down to a few feet but again with the sun right behind it photographs were a challenge. Godwits, Avocet, Turnstone, Spotted Redshank, Ruff, LRP Spoonbill, Dunlin, Redshank, Lapwing, Curlew, Common Tern and Wagtails made up the rest of the pickings from Island Hide. As we walked down to Parinder three Marsh Harrier flew along in the distance and Hirundines gathered in ever increasing numbers. A Shelduck begged me to pap it so I obliged before leaving for a walk to the beach were 13 Eider had gathered close in and a few Gannets hunted on the horizon. The walk back gave good views of a Chinese Water Deer and a family of Red-crested Pochard.

Chinese Water Deer
We drove down to Cley where we scanned North Scrape for the reported Temminck's Stint.
I found a fine Curlew Sandpiper and a summer plumage Knot before glimpsing the Stint but it vanished as quick as I'd got on it. The Dunlin took flight and a small bird joined them which I also thought was the Stint but again it all happened a bit quick and when the Dunlin settled the small guy was still missing. Scanning further away I picked up a few Green Sandpiper which pleased Jim as he'd been hoping for one today still needing it for a year tick.

Curlew Sandpiper

We had thoughts of looking for the Pratincole at Ouse but the clock beat us and it'll have to wait for another day.

Year list now 236

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