
Sunday 10 August 2014

Hurricane Bertha

So Hurricane Bertha made it across the Atlantic today bringing with it heavy rain and strong winds.
I reluctantly called off the planned trip to the Isle of Wight fearing the weather would firstly make it difficult to get over and back and secondly make it difficult to see the Bee-eaters.

A few checks on line and it would seem to have been a decent call not to travel today!

Ferry cancellations
The weather forecast got worse during the day!
The Ferry company issued apologies for cancellations to their scheduled crossings which I suppose makes the concern we had a little more justified.

As for Cornwall and the expected volumes of sea birds the storm was to deliver......well it delivered a few but my guess is that it was a long, slow day on the coast for the slim pickings it delivered.

A few shearwaters about today.
On a brighter note I just got a nice message from my son who bumped into a legend at Wembley today.

Ian Wright Wright Wright 

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