
Sunday 13 July 2014

White-winged Black Tern at Abberton

Being in the middle of the slowest period I can remember for birding it was nice to catch up with the White - winged Black Tern at Abberton in Essex today. Viewed from the new causeway it was a little distant but showed well as it hunted over the reservoir before resting on the end of the spit giving good scope views. A Black Tern was seen hunting too and a Hobby gave chase to the local Starlings. A Marsh Harrier drifted through and several Common Sandpipers waded along the waters edge with LRP's. Both Yellow and Grey Wagtail were seen in our short visit and finally the year list ticked over once again reaching a slow 228.
Let's hope this is the start of things picking up again as the migrants get on the move and bring in the odd vagrant too.

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