
Saturday 19 July 2014

Bonaparte's Gull Oare Marsh

We travelled down to Oare Marsh this morning to catch up with the Bonaparte's Gull there.

Distant Bonaparte's Gull 
On arrival John(sorry only know him as John) was already on the bird as it swam around on the east flood feeding. We were quickly on the target and it was in fine plumage sporting a full jet black hood, smaller than the local Black-headed Gulls it stood out and we were able to enjoy it for a while along with both adult and Juvenile Med Gulls, Marsh Harrier and Barn Owl. The flood also held Godwits, Lapwing, Redshank , Little Egret, 7+ Common Sandpiper, several Ruff, a couple of Turnstone and a single Dunlin. A possible Wood Sandpiper was seen briefly and both Kingfisher and Hobby flew over. (I missed both) In the Reeds we notd Sedge, Reed and Cetti's Warbler along with Reed Bunting and Bearded Tits.

Bearded Tit
Common Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper at Oare Marsh
Grey Heron
Konik Pony

All in all a very enjoyable mornings birding but I was left wondering if this Bonny gull is the same bird as last year and if so where has it been since it left Oare?

Year list now at 232

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