
Sunday 13 April 2014

Quick trip to the Valley gives the year list a boost

Having had a day in doors or gardening to be more accurate I managed to slope off for a couple of hours for an evening walk around Lee Valley. First off I had a nice pair of Bullfinch fly along the river before the Lon-tailed Tits came along to entertain me for a while.

Long-tailed Tit
Further up the river and I found my first Willow Warbler of 2014 although it was outnumbered by the very vocal Chiffchaffs. As I arrived at the weir a Grey Heron flew across and as I scanned the hill behind the farm I found at least five Buzzards circling overhead and a Sparrowhawk also flew over.

Grey Heron
As I was watching the Buzzards I noticed my first Swallows of the year flying high above Holyfield lake and then started my return leg. A distant Cuckoo was heard calling and after sitting on the Nightingale bench by the power station I managed to hear a single bird although five had been heard earlier today but it's great to hear them again. I'd hoped for a Sedge Warbler, Common Tern and Whitethroat but these all failed to show today however I'm sure i'll connect with them by next weekend.

Back at the car and a Pheasant was showing off so I grabbed a shot of it before heading home. Also got some good info on a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker location which I'm sure will pay off in the next week or two.


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