
Monday 21 April 2014

One for two ton!

Well the Easter weekend if closing in and it's been quite good to me. Dotterel and Ring Ouzel the undoubted highlights but also good to catch my first Sand & House Martins, Common Sand, Common Tern and Yellow Wagtail. My year list has jumped to 199 leaving just one to get to 200 inside four months.
This mornings little amble around the King George reservoir in Chingford gave up the Terns, Sandpiper and Yellow Wag before a brief stop at Sewardstone marsh on the way home delivered a single House Martin and my third Cuckoo of the weekend too. The Common Whitethroats are in and seem to be everywhere now whilst it also seems a good year for Lesser WT's too. Reed and Sedge warblers are in and I've also had my first Garden Warbler of 2014. Blackcaps are now seen around every corner and Nightingales are singing in the usual spots around the valley. What a difference a week makes!

Starling in the garden
Back at home and I'm trying to get a couple of close ups of the Starlings in the garden when a Sprawk comes over. To my surprise the Starlings ambushed it and drove it away.

Sparrowhawk over the garden

Right now where can I get that 200th tick????

ps...The special one was ten today!

Tia.......The special one.


  1. 199!!! Great going!! I got to 151 yesterday, with a year target of 170. Seriously considering Scotland next year after reading yours and Jims blog!

  2. Do it Adam, you'll love it up there and congrats on getting 151 it's not easy!

  3. A grey heron flew over my garden this morning right next to the window. I live very near the reservoirs in Chingford.
