
Saturday 19 April 2014

Lee Valley and less is more

A quick dawn raid had me sitting in prime Nightingale territory ready for the dawn chorus this morning and I wasn't disappointed as five or more birds started to sing their little hearts out at first light. A couple showed but not whilst any light would run through my camera lens so I kept it tucked away and enjoyed the song.
Blackcaps, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Wren, Robin, Blackbird and Song Thrush all competed as the chorus got into full voice.

My first Garden Warbler of 2014 was followed shortly after with my first Common Whitethroat.
A walk further round the track and over the bridge brought me back on the path towards Friday Lake where I stopped and spent some time scanning the bushes. I picked up a smart pair of Bullfinch before a pair of Linnets decided to drop in. Linnets are not something I've seen before in the park so that was a nice tick and then the best bird of the day appeared, a very smart (until a Sprawk flew overhead) and vocal Lesser Whitethroat. The walk back around Friday lake to the car park gave me several Reed and Sedge Warblers for yet another two year ticks which took my 2014 list to 192


Nightingale in full song
And after a little work with PS!

Back at the car and I find Jimmy has arrived and parked next to me so a quick phone call let's him know what I've seen and where in the hope it might give him a couple of year ticks too.

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